Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bed Time at the Grimes Household

When you have two kids under the age of five one would think that bed time should come easy, and for the most part the girls are pretty good about doing everything they need to before bed. Such as brushing their teeth going potty etc. The problem we usually have is the actually staying in bed part. Bed time in our household is eight o'clock. It has been 8 since both girls were born, for the most part they had no problems with getting a bath then going to bed they were perfect and then something happened overnight to change this. First it was Shayna who would keep coming out of her room with a million and one excuses on why she felt it was not bed time. It was a struggle for a long time and on a few occassions mine or David's nerves were shot. But we won and she eventually went to bed. Makayla was the same way in bed by 8 out like a light as of late she will knock on her door wanting out of her room her excuse is usually potty. Since she is newly potty trained we let her out and put her on the potty, problem with this is then she will sit there forever and not do anything when you ask her if she is done the answer is always the same "nope". The other issue we had was the 1, 2 o'clock in the morning sneaking into the bed (Shayna) I would wake up and there would be Shayna hogging up my side of the bed and here I am stuck in the middle. We finally resolved this issue by putting a lock on our bedroom door and locking it every night. The new problem is since she can not get in she will knock on the door until one of us answers. Truth be told David is usually the one who answers and he is never happy about it. Although they have both gotten new beds and it seems to have made them happy both have slept through the night with no wake ups. Let's hope it continues keep your fingers crossed.

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